Datacenter development (BIM) Ushering in the next generation of data centers

Datacenter development hasn’t changed much over the past decades. In general, the consensus was to use a CPU-based architecture to execute 95% of the tasks. And when the need for computational power increased, in most cases adding more CPUs was considered the only solution. And if the data center building was saturated with CPUs, building a new data center based on the same infrastructure was common practice.

But adding all this CPU-based computing power comes at a price. CPUs are extremely energy inefficient, and the global increase in CPU based datacenters has led to the current situation, where the carbon footprint of data centers equals the entire aviation industry. But the SGD’s 2030 and other sustainability requirements are demanding a drastic decrease in power consumption and a fundamental change in data center construction and architecture.

Datacenter development based on FPGA

The unique intellectual property of BrightAI is seen as the new, sustainable foundation of data center development. Our FPGA-based data center infrastructure, in combination with our proprietary immersion cooling solution, ushers in a new era of sustainable data center construction. Based on our architecture, the power consumption of data center cooling decreases by about 85%, the overall power consumption decreases by at least 50%, the density increases ( much less floor space needed ), and the scaling of computational power is effortless and very cost-effective. Redundancy for both electricity and the internet is based on intelligent substations, generators, and UPS. We have various standards that start at (N+1)

But the knife cuts both ways. By using this new technology, data centers benefit by lowering their CAPEX and OPEX, gaining in speed and throughput, lowest latency in the world, and post-quantum security.

Our recent alliance with Climaplan GmbH and BKW AG offers unlimited possibilities in data center capacity and sustainability. Climaplan has over 30 years of experience in data center design and operates at the forefront of technology. By using the BIM model (Building Information Modelling) every department working on the planning generates extensive amounts of planning information, where decisions are made based on networking and a centralized, digital model. Based on their experience with every relevant aspect, Climaplan ensures a very high level of quality, transparency, and cost-effectiveness to all stakeholders.

The data centers we develop, are built on two driving factors. Capacity and sustainability. Both are equally important and force us to rethink everything.

building information modelling

So what does Rethink Everything stand for?

Datacenters don’t have to be massive buildings with lots of cooling equipment like chillers and air conditioners that have a tremendously negative effect on their surroundings and the environment.

We introduce a new way of thinking. With our technology, data centers can be used to benefit their surroundings by creating enormous amounts of hot water, which can be used to warm factories and residential houses and offer a possibility to transition from natural gas use. In addition, our FPGA technology operates on just a fraction of the electricity a CPU-based infrastructure does. So using significantly less power, and turning waste products into reusable assets all add to the decrease of the overall footprint and will generate more acceptance by decision-makers.

Join the next generation of sustainable datacenter design

No bulky, power consuming buildings but small, efficient and clean

Meet every sustainability requirement, make faster allocation decisions.

Interested? Let’s setup a call with one of our experts, where you can ask them anything you want. Literally.