Stand out from your competitors by converting to an FPFA architecture and cut your overall footprint by 95%

100+ Gbps throughput with a fraction of the power usage compared to CPU and GPU archtiecture.

Our engineers are like astronauts. Only the very best get permission to fly. And as with a space mission, the participants are selected manually, and their “mission critical skills” are extensively tested before they are deployed for a project at one of our clients.

Only a few of all the FPGA developers who apply with us go to one of our clients. And because our selection is so strict, those who do proceed feel like a priviledged and chosen member of our team.


“Fast moving team with excellent knowledge on complex matters like Cryptology and Submerged Computing.”
John Vos – Sales Engineer, 15 year experience in FPGA and electronics-market and currently channel partner for XILINX

How a switch to FPGA architecture accelerated automotive

Modern cars are the first good example of high performance mobile computing.

Most recent cars have at least 30+ sensors. The vast amount of data they accumulate needs to be transported and processed in the most efficient way.

Smart FPGA-based chip design can lower the overall cost of a car tremendously, and increase the overall connectivity of the cars computer, leaving room for accelerated innovation by the car manufacturers.

  • Less chips
  • Less cables
  • Increased overall performance

Enabling Optic VPN, based on the Wireguard protocol

Data traffic is growing a lot faster than what existing computer architectures can keep up with. The gap between the increase in data and the processing capacity of a traditional server is growing exponentially. Back in the day, this gap was filled by scaling up by means of adding more servers.

However, due to the exponential growth, this is no longer profitable in 2021 and the call for a revolutionary, groundbreaking technology to adress this problem is getting louder by the day.

100Gbps throughput, 10.000+ users for 75 Watts, complete reshaping the industry standard for secure data transport.

Applicable fields for FPGA architecture

Switching to an FPGA based architecture offers many benefits in the fields as descibed below.


  • Video en image processing
  • Computational storage
  • Database en data analytics
  • Financial technology
  • High performance computing
  • Network accellaration


  • 5G Wireless
  • Wired communications
  • Wireless communications


  • Aerospace & defence
  • Automotive
  • Broadcast & Pro A/V
  • Consumer electronics
  • Emulation & prototyping
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Test & measurement