Have your IP reviewed by some of the best FPGA architects in the world, and get to market quicker than anywhere else

Brightai has accumulated a vast library of intellectual property (IP), primarily based on FPGA technology which allows for more speed and throughput, lower latency, and extensive encryption and decryption applications. Our IP is currently in use by some of the world’s leading tech companies, governments, defence departments and space agencies.

Whether your organisation has a great idea based on FPGA technology, or you already own registered IP, our team of senior FPGA engineers and architects can validate both your claim and the applicable technology. Once your (future) IP is duly validated, we immediately shift into higher gear, so you can monetize on your solution at an early stage.

So how are we different from regular IP brokers?

We act as your one stop shop for IP. Based on the existing customer database of Brightai, we can introduce your solution directly to decision-makers within some of the largest companies in the world. Besides this, we are connected to over 125 IP brokers globally with excellent track records and extensive performance levels. So think about it, Your idea/invention could be a global gamechanger, but starting at the bottom of the ladder, actually monetizing on your IP could prove to be a long, expensive and frustrating ordeal.

Brightai lets you skip the tiring procedures and costly retainers, and puts you at the table with the actual people that matter. Besides this, we assist in fields of company structure and governance, and can help you obtain grants and sibsidies.  Our elite FPGA architects and engineers can even assist you if there are elements in the FPGA architecture that needs to be improved. And obtaining an investment from Brightai is also a realistic option.  But… we test extensively and vigorously, and we leave nothing to chance. So, reach out to us today and talk to the right people, without the cost and the hassle. We are looking forward to getting acquainted.

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    NOTE: All communication between you and Brightai is confidential. Use the form to introduce your solution at will, but please don’t elaborate too much without signing the mutual Non Disclosure Agreement. Upon reception of your message, we will draft the NDA so we can speak freely.