Creating a framework for decisionmakers to deal with datacenter growth and sustainability.

Quite often, government officials are trying to find a balance between growth and sustainability. On the one hand, datacenters need to expand their capacity due to the exponential and unavoidable growth of the internet.

Streaming video, 5G, Internet of Things, Autonomous driving, Digital passports, Digital currency, Fintech, AI/ML, E-sports, Online gaming, E-health, VR/AR, Social networking, Music streaming platforms, Video Streaming platforms and of course, the Metaverse.

This increase in streaming data, although nessesary, poses many environmental challenges. The carbon footprint of datacenters equals that of the aviation industry, and although there are some short-term solutions available, most of them are patches to the problem, and in no way a solution for the challenges ahead of us. In the Netherlands, we have seen quite a few instances where the decision making of a new datacenter took longer than expected, only to be denied approval in the end, due to the lack of a true long-term solution that facilities growth and meets the sustainability requirements.

The path to logical and responsible decisions

There are two ways about it. On the one hand, traditional datacenters can be fitted with our latest technology that decreases their carbon footprint dramatically and increases their performance. Our solutions have been designed in such a way that a transformation to a much more sustainable business model is easy to implement since it’s based on their current, traditional infrastructure.

Regarding the building of new datacenters, the decision is even easier. If planned based on our innovative technology like immersion cooling, higher density environments and optic VPN, every newly built datacenter will meet the strictest sustainability requirements and gain in performance, speed and offer a solid basis for long term growth.

The urgency for datacenter companies to transform is lacking most of the time, and must be enforced by governments and decisionmakers, to ensure responsible growth. Our consultants have assisted local governments in the Netherlands and abroad in identifying systemic risks, and setting up a safe and responsible decision-making framework to operate in.