BrightAI, a deep tech firm from the Netherlands claims it has developed a fundamental solution to tackle the carbon footprint of global data centers. 

The global emissions of data centers equal that of the entire aviation industry and make up for 2% of the global CO2 output.

Without the introduction of a fundamental solution that addresses the root of the problem, the exponential growth of the internet will cause so much pollution, that it becomes almost unethical to continue this path.

Based on FPGA technology, cryptographic algorithms, and cutting-edge innovative thinking by the worlds leading FPGA architects, the company claims its technology dramatically decreases the use of electricity in data centers for cooling by at least 90%.

Some facts:

According to The “United States Data Center Energy Usage Report,” published in June 2016 and supported by the Federal Energy Management Program of the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. data centers alone were projected to consume approximately 73 billion kWh in 2020.

A more recent analysis of data center energy consumption patterns was published by Statista Inc. on Sept. 30, 2021.

The report, “Global Data Centers Energy Demand by Type 2015-2021” by Nane Sönnichsen, found the following:

Traditional data centers globally have decreased their energy demand, from around 97.6 terawatt-hours in 2015, to some 50 terawatt-hours in 2019, and a forecast indicated that this figure will reach nearly 33 terawatt-hours by 2021.

On the other hand, hyperscale data centers have “ doubled”  their energy demand in the same period of time.

Addressing one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time demands for breaking with traditions and accepting change, says the CEO of BrightAI, Ben Knijff. 

“ The current data center infrastructure is based on obsolete technology and uses massive amounts of energy and is therefore polluting the planet at an unprecedented speed.

Datacenters today are still built with complete disregard for the environment, and due to the lack of a fundamental solution that offers both sustainability for the environment and profitability for the companies, the incentive to actively address this problem is absent.

A problem can never be solved by the people who caused it. Datacenters, with the current acceleration of digitalization, 5G, IoT, Autonomous driving cars, digital IDs, Covid19 response, and the introduction of the metaverse, are trying to keep up with the demand by building more datacenters. That’s all they know, so that’s what they all do”

The invention of BrightAI, according to Ben Knijff, is as disruptive and profound as the invention of the wheel. The brightest minds in the world in their respective fields of expertise came together in a thinktank 5 years ago, in an alliance with numerous entities like the developer of the technical university in Darmstadt, the German company Climaplan GmbH and its mother company BKW AG.

The challenges for the solution were:

  • It needs to bring dramatic decrease of energy consumption
  • It needs to be applicable in every (hyperscale ) datacenter, based on their current infrastructure.
  • And it needs to increase profitability for datacenter owners, safeguarding their CAPEX and OPEX.

Our team has overdelivered on all three challenges, and now has a market ready product that is scalable, easy to deploy and ready to order.

Currently, the company is inviting investors to join them and seize the opportunity to be part of global environmental change in this annual multibillion dollar market.

Opportunities like this come only once in a lifetime, if you are very lucky, that is.

But today, we offer investors like you to jump on board with us, and cash in on that once in a lifetime investment oppoprtunity everybody is looking for.